Market History

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Three Cheers for 5,000!

This week the S&P 500 closed above 5,000 for the first time. Another milestone as we climb the ‘wall of worry’. Over the past 100+ years the S&P 500 has averaged capital gains of ~8.5% per year plus dividends of ~2.0%. That’s a total return of close to 10.5% (on average). If you compound 10.5% per year over 20 years (i.e., ‘CAGR’) – that’s a 637% increase. But as we know, the pathway is rarely smooth. Some years the market may “add 20%” and others it could give back a similar margin (or worse). And we saw this happen recently. However over the long run – markets will rise more often than they fall.

Many Lessons inĀ One Great Chart

This post looks at one of the most compelling / informative long term charts I’ve come across. For example, it shows relative PE ratios, interest rates, bond yields, bull and bear markets along with performance. For me, not only does it reinforce the power of time with asset speculation – it also highlights the opportune windows when to add risk (and when not to). The latter is far more important.

Cautious… But Invested

It’s a brave person who is short the market. Probabilities suggest we are headed higher in the near-term. For example, previous episodes of Fed pausing suggests stocks typically gain. My sentiment today is best described as ‘cautious… but invested’. To that end, one should always be invested to some extent. And whilst it’s always unwise to be completely remiss of the risks — it would be an even greater mistake not to have some exposure to higher quality risk assets and fixed income (at current yields)